If you are over 40, busy as heck and don’t have time for anything other than making sure your life’s in order, it’s likely that you have put romance on a back shelf somewhere.
Finding a soulmate isn’t a pursuit exclusive to those in their 20s or 30s. In fact, your age is the right age to think maturely about relationships. You have the experience to know what you want. More importantly, what you definitely don’t want. In addition, a busy life or a hectic career are fine only as long as you have the right person to share it with at the end of the day.
Here are some pointers for women over 40 who are open to new relationships.
• If you have a friend with a large social network, let them know of your availability. Why hide under a rock when you should be shouting from the mountaintops? Well, figuratively, anyway. The point is, getting a good friend to give you a helping hand in finding the right man is something to be proud of, not something to be ashamed of.
• Pick a day of the week and set aside some time on that day every week for a date. You don’t have to actually have that date every week, but putting it on your calendar literally “invites the future” into your life. Think of the things you’d like to do with your future partner and do them – by yourself if you have to.
• Switch your thinking from “lack” to “abundance.” Think of all the single men waiting to meet you rather than of all the men that are already in relationships. This attitude is importance because of the law of attraction for love. The law always works, but it will only work in your favor if your mind is tuned in to what you want.
• The final piece of advice is to stop beating yourself up for still being single. The more you focus on the reasons why you’re not in a relationship yet, the more you’ll drift away from the situation you really want to be in. Don’t waste your time regreting the focus you’ve been putting on your career or the fact that you’ve been picky about your partners.
The only thing to wrap your head around at this point is how you’ll enjoy being in a new and refreshing relationship. Don’t get hung up on the bad. Get hung up on the good things the future has planned for you.